Para sports broadcasted on Renfe trains
18.05.2016Televisions placed on Renfe’s long-distance trains offer Para sport video features.
Televisions placed on Renfe’s long-distance trains offer Para sport video features.
© • NPC Spain
By NPC Spain
Features about Para sports are being broadcasted on televisions on Renfe’s long-distance trains in Spain in May thanks to an agreement between the railway’s company and the Spanish National Paralympic Committee through the ADOP (Plan Apoyo al Deporte Objetivo Paralímpico - Support Plan to Paralympic Objective Sport) plan.
Renfe is providing space in its programming to ‘Paralímpicos TV’ (Paralympics TV), a TV show devoted to Para sports.
This TV show was first transmitted in December 2014. In May’s edition, Paralympics TV addresses the success of Spanish athletes during the first quarter of the year and looks ahead to September´s Rio Paralympic Games.