Second Paralympic School Day in Spain

As part of the Catalonian Games for Adapted Sport, the second Spanish Paralympic School Day (PSD) took place at the Can Llobet Public School of Barberá del Vallés last week. Organized by the Catalan Federation for Physically Disabled (FCEDF) and supported by the Spanish Paralympic Committee, this educational day reached more than 100 school children.

The two Catalonian athletes and Paralympic medallists David Barrallo and Jordi Morales participated in the PSD, answering questions of the children and providing a very positive experience to these students. During the PSD several activities where organized, including Archery, Wheelchair Basketball, Wheelchair Fencing and a drawing contest. The participating students, divided in teams, were able to try out all the activities.

The PSD was attended by the President and several members of the FCEDF as well as the sport manager of the City Hall of Barberá del Vallés. They handed out medals to the winning team and diplomas to all other participants.

The PSD is an educational programme initiated by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC). The aim of the programme is to create awareness and understanding in schools about persons with a disability.