ParaLions Programme Launched in Ireland

The Paralympic Council of Ireland (PCI) recently launched its ParaLions Programme to encourage young people with a disability to become involved in Paralympic Sport and become a potential Irish athlete for the London 2012 Paralympic Games and beyond.

The ParaLions Programme includes various parts, such as an online resource booklet for young people interested in taking up Paralympic Sport. The booklet contains a questionnaire to assist the PCI in building a database of interested individuals with a disability. This database will be used to channel these individuals to sports they are interested in. On receipt of the questionnaire, the PCI will send out a ParaLions Resource Pack including a t-shirt and more information. Furthermore, Irish Paralympic athletes will be on hand to provide athlete visits to relevant centres and community groups to share their experience of Paralympic Sport.

ParaLions is supported by the Irish Sports Council, the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and O’Neills Irish International Sportswear.

Speaking at the launch PCI President Tony Guest said: “The Paralympic Council of Ireland is determined to boost the profile of Paralympic Sport in Ireland by capitalizing on the performances of Irish athletes in Beijing in order to attract the next generation of athletes into Paralympic Sport. There are many potential Irish Paralympians out there that we simply don’t know about. We want everybody here today to sell the message and find future Paralympians.”

For further information, please contact Nancy Chillingworth, ParaLions Co-ordinator at