IPC to Inform Athletes of the 2010 Prohibited List

Changes in Prohibited list released on 1 October

The International Paralmypic Committee (IPC) wants to inform all its members, in particular athletes and athlete support staff, on the changes that will occur in the 2010 World Anti-Doping Code Prohibited List which was released by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) on 1 October.

The 2010 Prohibited List reflects the latest scientific advances and offers a number of noteworthy changes compared to the 2009 List, including:

The status of Salbutamol and Salmeterol (used for the treatment of asthma). The use of Salbutamol (maximum 1,600 micrograms over a day) and Salmeterol by inhalation will no longer require a Therapeutic Use Exemption from 1 January 2010, but will require a declaration of use. The status of similar asthma medications (beta-2 agonists) remains unchanged.

Supplemental Oxygen (hyperoxia) will no longer be prohibited.

The status of platelet-derived preparations (such as Platelet Rich Plasma, ‘blood spinning’) has been clarified by WADA. It will be prohibited when administered by intramuscular route, but other routes of administration will require a declaration of use.

Pseudoephedrine will be reintroduced to the Prohibited List and will be prohibited in-competition at levels above 150 micrograms per millilitre. Pseudoephedrine was prohibited in sport until 2003, and has been studied since this time under the WADA monitoring programme. It has now been reintroduced as a result of the monitoring programme which indicated clear abuse of this substance, and scientific evidence of the performance-enhancing effects of pseudoephedrine beyond certain doses.

Sildenafil (Viagra) is not on the Prohibited List. WADA is funding a number of research projects on the potential of Sildenafil to restore pulmonary capacity at very high altitudes. These projects are ongoing.

To give athletes, athlete support staff and NPCs some orientation to the changes, we invite all of them to consult the WADA website at www.wada-ama.org. The IPC will ensure that all educational resources will be updated by 1 January 2010 to ensure they reflect the new list.

The new Prohibited List will replace the current list on 1 January 2010. Until that date, the 2009 Prohibited List will apply.