Carballeda re-elected as Spanish NPC President

By unanimous vote, Miguel Carballeda was chosen to serve another four years as President of Spain’s National Paralympic Committee.

Spain's Miguel Carballeda will continue to lead the Spanish Paralympic Committee for the next four years. © • Getty Images

The Spanish Paralympic Committee has re-elected Miguel Carballeda as the President of the organisation for the next four years by unanimous vote.

Carballeda has been the Spanish NPC’s President since December 2004 and has also played a critical role in the country’s ONCE Foundation – Spain’s national organisation for those with a visual impairment – since July 2003.

In his first four-year term at the head of the Spain’s NPC (2004-2008), Carballeda helped launch the Paralympic ADO Plan (ADOP), marking an improvement in relations and the public’s image of the organisation.

After his re-election in December 2008, the Plan was consolidated and there was a significant increase in the social diffusion of the Paralympic Movement in Spain.

In his election address, the President addressed that Spain’s NPC needs to continue and further the integration process between Paralympic and Olympic sport federations, and he pushed for unity across the Paralympic Movement in Spain in order to succeed in the current economy and to manage their resources effectively.